Monday, December 21, 2009

Back in the Saddle!

I managed to get on the bike trainer at lunch today for a 30 minute bike ride, then did some core work.  The coughing was kept at a minimum and I finally feel like I am human again!  I am looking forward to running tomorrow morning with my co-worker.  It may not be pretty - but it will feel great!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Rest" period...

I don't think this is what they mean when they say to take a break from running during your off season! My last run was December 6th and other than one attempt at the bike trainer (30 minutes) I have done nothing!! That being said - I have been really sick with a sinus infection, cough and laryngitis and extremely busy with work and holiday functions therefore making running a near impossibility.

However - I think I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and am very anxious to get out running again. I think setting up this blog (which I am still trying to figure out)and the fact that I can sort of breath through my nose again - I am ready to get out there.

So - as we are now 5 days away from Christmas and 1 week away from officially starting my spring training program I figure I will put my 2010 goals out here.

1. Sub 3 hour 30 km @ Around The Bay - March 28th
2. 4:15 Full Marathon @ Mississauga - May 16th

Those are the two biggies for the spring. I would also like to do another triathlon - possibly a Sprint or Olympic distance - I am just not sure which one yet. The Acura 10 miler or 5 km is also on the list. I was a spectator at it this year and it looked awesome. I also heard the course was fantastic. I will have to see what distance fits best into my schedule. I would also like to do another Half in the fall somewhere between a 1:50 - 1:54. I am sure I will do Scotiabank and Angus Glen as they are both great races. Scotia for the crowds and elites and Angus - well a great small town race where I ran a smokin' fast PB :-)

The rest I will leave open for now as I am still debating. I believe I am heading to Ottawa again to see my best friend and also to cheer on some friends who will be racing. I may just do a 10 km or easy half there for fun. I guess I better get my butt moving!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Angus Glen Half Marathon - November 1, 2009 my second sub-2 and a huge PB of 1:54:55

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront (Half) Marathon September 2009 - my first Sub-2hr half! I finished in 2:59:11.

My son and I at the Terry Fox Run in September 2009.

Here is a 'group' photo from the Sporting Life 10 km in May 2009. This was my first ever 10 km race which I ran in 53:23

Angus Glen Half Marathon 2008 - ran as a friend/pacer to Ezio. This was a fun run for me and a great way to finish of the racing season.

Here I am with a co-worker/friend at "Around The Bay - 30 km" in 2008. It is awesome to have a great network of running friends who inspire, motivate and keep it fun! Finishing time was 3:12:57

2008 Mississauga Marathon My first full - 42.2 KM in 4:32:11 I was very happy to have my daughter join me for the last 100 meters and cross the finish line with me. What a great and memorable Mother's Day that was!

STWM 2007

Seeing as I am starting the running blog well into my running career :-) I figured I would dig up a few old race pictures so that I can document my past races.

Here is the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront (Half) Marathon from September 2007.

Monday, December 14, 2009

RW Quote of the Day

I get these daily quotes from RW - most I glance at and delete, however once in a while a really good one comes along. One that I connect with. One that I will share on my blog...

"Running is the classical road to self-conciousness, self-awareness and self-reliance. Independence is the outstanding characteristic of a runner. He learns the harsh reality of his physical and spiritual limitations when he runs. He learns that personal commitment, sacrifice and determination are his only means to betterment. Runners get promoted only through self-conquest."

~Noel Coward, English Playwright, composer, and actor.

Why Running?

I was a pretty active kid involved in the usual swimming, dance, soccer etc. but sort of had a "slump" of inactivity during my later teens (probably when I needed it the most!) So after finding my freshmen 15 (lbs) nicely distributed upon my hips I needed to get active...quickly! Running seemed to be the only thing that I could fit into my very busy schedule. Running was a solitary sport - one that I could do at any time, alone or with someone and at my own pace. And so the obsession began.

Little did I know what I was about to embark on. A passion (read: Obsession) that has carried me through all of lifes ups and downs. Running has become not only a source of fitness, but a stress reliever, a source of independence and strength that I did not know I had.

I remember back when I started running - It was more like walking with some running breaks. I thought "if I ever run a 5 km..." well now - 2 marathons later, the possibilities are endless. The best part about this journey is that I am racing against myself. My times are a direct result of the work I put in, the effort of my training and eventually my physical limitations. However success is measured in many ways - and my goals will change, however I can only hope that I will always have running in my life.